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Analyse des espoirs du repêchage de 2024

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Excellente réflexion de la part de Gagabu et autres sur la sélection ou non de Demidov s’il est disponible au 5e rang , gros travail d’évaluation à faire pour le groupe de décideurs du CH , je leur fait confiance , de mon côté, je m’informe à plusieurs sources afin de me faire une idée sur Demedov , Lindstrom, Ignila, Catton , Senneki , c’est pas facile à départager.

toujours intéressant de lire les commentaires des intervenants de ce blogue👍

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Copié sur Hf boards Canadiens.

WeThreeKings : 

«Listened to the latest Athletic Pod with Peters, Wheeler, and Pronman.

Chicago - a race between Demidov & Levshunov, some have through Silayev, or Lindstrom or Dickinson into that mix. But colleague close to them is Demidov/Levshunov. Pronman thinks when all said is done it's the defenseman, but if you don't think its close then you'll take Demidov.

  1. More Wheeler is leaning more toward Demidov for them the more he's thought about it. Looking at NHL, the teams left are built through duos. So Bedard-Demidov can be that duo for them.
  2. All of Chicago's defenseman are left shot on their team and in their system which is why Silayev isn't the option for them.
  3. People around the league who would take Silayev at 2
  4. Fascinated about what Montreal does at 5 - Hughes vocal at desire at 5. Their mock had Lindstrom at 5. Think Montreal have a lot of work to do.
  5. Talked to scouts about Lindstrom, injury stuff is a concern, a lot talking about it, and that his medicals are important.
  6. Potential for a trade down, with the value of the defenseman, that it could be a lucrative situation for them.
  7. Thinks Anaheim's forward strength makes them unlikely to take a forward.
  8. Luchanko, Iginla, Wetsch and Beaudoin have helped their stock at the U18.
  9. Cole Hutson and EJ Emery on the USA side.
  10. Teddy Stiga improved his stock, he was a driver, pulling everyone into the fight, making that first big play. Little smaller, above average skater and skill, craft and creativity.
  11. Liam Greentree hurt his stock at the tournament. Comparison to Artur Kaliyev there. Not the best skaters, not the highest compete, score in junior, intelligent players. Wonder if Greentree goes into the late 1st round or early 2nd. Thinks of Quentin Musty as well.
  12. Cole Eiserman also hurt his stock at the tournament. Got the goals he needed to get the NTDP goal scoring record. When talking to scouts, he didn't look himself. There's growing concerns about his overall hockey sense in terms of if he's not impacting the game, does he compound that with other mistakes. The one on one skills aren't there, having trouble beating defenses, getting his shot through, all comes back to his hockey sense. Thinks he will get picked by lottery teams but more the back end of it. Tij Iginla, Catton, Helenius have vaulted themselves a fair amount passed him.
  13. Feels like Sennecke has joined that group as well ahead of Eiserman. Pronman very confident Sennecke will go ahead of Eiserman on draft day.
  14. Cole Beaudoin - Pronman had him in 21/22 area, might move him up a spot or two. Going to become an emerging consensus, think he will go 18-25 range. His game is likeable, high work ethic, a little bit of offense, going to become a pro center. Similar players in this draft - Stian Solberg in Norway, making people like him as he's mobile, physical, high motor and going to world championships. Jett Luchanko, compete is really strong and could go mid first now and he feels very confident he's going top 20 in this years draft.
  15. Scott expects 5/6 defenseman will go in the first 8-9 picks
  16. Teams always push defenseman above the forwards.
  17. Wingers who are 5'10-5'11 likely going to drop down a bit
  18. Beckett Sennecke - Don't think he will go top 5 but he's certainly entered the top 10 conversation. Sennecke's rise isn't only because of his playoffs. His size, his shot, the way he's bringing his game in the playoffs is enticing teams. Pronman if he did a mock he wouldnt go top 5 but he would go top 10.
  19. What's the gap between Lindstrom and Catton related to? With those two players, its the size that is a concern with Catton. Everything else in his game is really great. Iginla supposed to be the goal scorer but Catton had more goals than him. Catton does so much at a high level. Lindstrom is an elite athlete, he can fly, super physical. Scout: if you believe he has decent enough hockey sense, then he can be a star. If you don't think he's smart enough, then he's a 2nd liner or a fringey 1st liner. Pronman doesn't buy that they are significantly apart. Does think Lindstrom will go higher though.
  20. Who is the analytics darling of the draft? There are 2-3 names that come to mind, Zayne Parekh. Two kids over in Europe - Demidov is one, his analytics are off the charts. Liiga has been watered down, Helenius as well but he gets bonus marks from any sort of model as it hasn't accounted for the quality drop. Michael Brandsegg-Nygard as well is high on the analytics, was viewed more as a support player but the analytics show that he could have more offensive ability than people think.
  21. Chances of Demidov sliding to 5 to the Habs? It's not out of the question but it's unlikely. A lot of belief that he's a top 3 forward in the draft. Contract in Russia isn't long. If he signs an extension taht would make things scarier. Some interesting things that have learned from european scouts, that most of them feel the russian risk isn't as high with him especially with his representation with Gold Star. If Chicago takes Levshunov, then what does Anaheim do, does the run on defenseman start on 2/3/4? There's always a possibility but unlikely. Demidov hype train has fired back up after his playoffs. Pronman thinks there's opportunity for teams to talk their way out of him in 2/3/4
  22. Who will go way higher than the public thought? Sennecke, Beaudoin, Luchanko, Sam O'Reilly, Letourneau.»
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C'est intéressant d'en lire plus sur ce que les commentateurs pensent. On sait à quel point on s'en torche de Pronman des fois, mais on peut voir des tendances qui se dégagent. On peut percevoir les mouvements qui changent les consensus. Attendons voir ce qui arrivera le jour du repêchage...

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Un kid solid. Déjà à 190livres pour un summerborn, va être tout un powerforward. Selon ce que je lis, très hargneux en plus.



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Excellent choix en 2e ronde. Il risque de partir tôt par contre genre 33-40.

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Pick 37 WPG-CH serait parfait

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Simon Boisvert en bon pédagogue nous apprends que les joueurs les plus performants en début de carrière ne sont pas toujours les joueurs qui ont les plus longues carrières. Je me demande s'il faisait la leçon en lien avec un joueur au prochain repêchage, comme il sait si bien le faire, ou si c'était au sens large du terme? De mon côté juste avant le repêchage il y a une grosse partie de mes analyses qui a été rejetée. Je suis fatigué, mais alerte, et ce coup dur aura nécessairement une conséquence sur mes performances. Je dois prendre du recul et réagir. Lorsque je fais des projections je dois répondre. Je suis fatigué, mais alerte.

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C'est vrai que certains joueurs n'ont pas nécessairement produits les 2-3 premières années et connu de fortes carrières.

Je pense à Wheeler dont ça n'a pas cliqué avec les Bruins et étrangement Joe Thornton également. Tous deux par contre des joueurs avec grands gabarits qui prennent plus de temps à se développer. Si Lindstrom est repêché par le CH il faudra prendre compte de cette variable, tout comme avec Slafkovsky d'ailleurs.

Il y a des types de joueurs plus transposables à la LNH, je pense à Cooley avec Utah ou Helenius/Catton qui auront de la facilité avec leurs styles de jeu. Vont-ils devenir les meilleurs de leur cohorte? Pas nécessairement.

Demidov est tout une intrigue en ce qui me concerne je n'aimerais pas être à la place des décideurs quoiqu'il risque de partir Top4. 

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Ajoutons Lafrenière comme développement lent...

Pour Demidov, pour moi c'est clair, le CH doit le choisir. Mais pour minimiser les risques, il doit avoir un autre R1 #9-14. Ex : Demidov et Helenius/Catton.

Diffcile de prévoir une carrière. Je regarde jouer Kakko, et je ne peux m'empêcher de croire qu'avec la bonne opportunité, il peut jouer top6. Je l'imagine fort bien avec Slaf et Suzuki. 

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Il y a aussi les opportunités qui comptent dans le développement d'un joueur. 

Kakko est un de ceux qui aurait avantage à sortir de NY sinon sa confiance risque de chuter. Il est le prototype de joueur qui ira à une autre équipe et employé sur un 3e trio saura gravir les échelons après 2-3 ans et se retrouver sur le premier trio. 

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